[NEWS] Dark Devotion riceve un nuovo trailer evidenziando il suo mondo inquietante

Hibernian Workshop e The Arcade Crew hanno rilasciato un nuovo trailer basato sulla storia per il loro gioco d’azione 2D metodico Dark Devotion. Il video mostra il mondo inquietante del gioco, un uomo eccessivamente devoto che cerca di proteggere la devozione delle…

Ben Brode dice addio alla Blizzard e ad Hearthstone

Il regista di Hearthstone Ben Brode ha annunciato che lascerà la compagnia. Oggi sarà il suo ultimo giorno, e ha segnato l’occasione con una lunga lettera d’addio ai fan e alla compagnia stessa. La lettera è vaga sui piani futuri, ma specifica che sta partendo per aiutare…

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Review

As I made my way across Westminster, zipping between rooftops with my rope launcher, a notice popped up indicating I was approaching a bounty hunt. The objective was simple–kill an important member of my rival gang–and I decided the children…

Star Wars actor left Uncharted 4 cast after ‘weird changes’

Uncharted 4 lost its writer and then its director in early 2014 amid allegations that writer Amy Hennig was “forced out” by The Last of Us’ Neil Druckmann and Bruce Starlet. A year later, the game was delayed from its…

Final Fantasy XV’s City of Lestallum Discovered in Episode Duscae Demo by Exploring Fan

When they released the 2.0 version of Final Fantasy XV‘s demo Episode Duscae, the good folks at Square Enix tried their very best to prevent players. Users used various methods in 1.0 to explore the demo and discover all sorts…

Horizon Zero Dawn is going to be more than just a game

Horizon Hero Dawn came as a surprise to many after it was unveiled earlier this year at E3. Starring a female hero, the game seems to feature a clashing theme of low and high-tech equipment and enemies. Guerilla Games is…

Horizon Zero Dawn is going to be more than just a game

Horizon Hero Dawn came as a surprise to many after it was unveiled earlier this year at E3. Starring a female hero, the game seems to feature a clashing theme of low and high-tech equipment and enemies. Guerilla Games is…

Horizon Zero Dawn is going to be more than just a game

Horizon Hero Dawn came as a surprise to many after it was unveiled earlier this year at E3. Starring a female hero, the game seems to feature a clashing theme of low and high-tech equipment and enemies. Guerilla Games is…

Star Wars actor left Uncharted 4 cast after ‘weird changes’

Uncharted 4 lost its writer and then its director in early 2014 amid allegations that writer Amy Hennig was “forced out” by The Last of Us’ Neil Druckmann and Bruce Starlet. A year later, the game was delayed from its…

Horizon Zero Dawn is going to be more than just a game

Horizon Hero Dawn came as a surprise to many after it was unveiled earlier this year at E3. Starring a female hero, the game seems to feature a clashing theme of low and high-tech equipment and enemies. Guerilla Games is…