Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 PS4 trailer is like slapping raw chicken breasts about

Costco no longer sells its bulk chicken breasts in individually wrapped two-breast packs. Now it’s just a giant plastic sack full of chicken breasts. Imagine: me, you, and some friends. We each grab a couple breasts and proceed to have…

Flame Over Heats Up PS4 on September 15th

Roguelikes suck. They don’t suck as in they are horrible to play. They suck for me because they’re so damn hard. But in this genre, that’s part of the challenge. Set up as a twin-stick shooter with randomized levels and…

Star Wars actor left Uncharted 4 cast after ‘weird changes’

Uncharted 4 lost its writer and then its director in early 2014 amid allegations that writer Amy Hennig was “forced out” by The Last of Us’ Neil Druckmann and Bruce Starlet. A year later, the game was delayed from its…

Rock Band 4 Getting Rock Band 3 Song Importing Soon

Harmonix has published a blog post detailing how importing songs into Rock Band 4 from the previous Rock Band game works. As a side note, Rock Band 3 will be removed from the Xbox Live Marketplace on October 30, but…

Star Wars actor left Uncharted 4 cast after ‘weird changes’

Uncharted 4 lost its writer and then its director in early 2014 amid allegations that writer Amy Hennig was “forced out” by The Last of Us’ Neil Druckmann and Bruce Starlet. A year later, the game was delayed from its…

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