Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below

Blighted by the night, vanquishing the plight by the children of the light. No video game character conveys endearment and sadism in a single expression as well as the Blue Slimes. In Dragon Quest Heroes: The World’s Tree Woe and…

Stick it to the Man! creator hid alpha for new game in Zombie Vikings

Stick it to the Man! and Zombie Vikings developer Zoink! is already working on a new game simply called FE, and you can play it right now if you own Zombie Vikings. The above video shows how to access the…

Rock Band 4 Getting Rock Band 3 Song Importing Soon

Harmonix has published a blog post detailing how importing songs into Rock Band 4 from the previous Rock Band game works. As a side note, Rock Band 3 will be removed from the Xbox Live Marketplace on October 30, but…

Stick it to the Man! creator hid alpha for new game in Zombie Vikings

Stick it to the Man! and Zombie Vikings developer Zoink! is already working on a new game simply called FE, and you can play it right now if you own Zombie Vikings. The above video shows how to access the…

You can pre-load the Street Fighter V PC beta now

The second Street Fighter V beta is scheduled to start this weekend, and if you happen to be a part of the PC festivities, you can pre-load it now. Just redeem your code, head to Steam, and download the latest…

Flame Over Heats Up PS4 on September 15th

Roguelikes suck. They don’t suck as in they are horrible to play. They suck for me because they’re so damn hard. But in this genre, that’s part of the challenge. Set up as a twin-stick shooter with randomized levels and…

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree’s Woe and the Blight Below

Blighted by the night, vanquishing the plight by the children of the light. No video game character conveys endearment and sadism in a single expression as well as the Blue Slimes. In Dragon Quest Heroes: The World’s Tree Woe and…

You can pre-load the Street Fighter V PC beta now

The second Street Fighter V beta is scheduled to start this weekend, and if you happen to be a part of the PC festivities, you can pre-load it now. Just redeem your code, head to Steam, and download the latest…

Rock Band 4 Getting Rock Band 3 Song Importing Soon

Harmonix has published a blog post detailing how importing songs into Rock Band 4 from the previous Rock Band game works. As a side note, Rock Band 3 will be removed from the Xbox Live Marketplace on October 30, but…

Stick it to the Man! creator hid alpha for new game in Zombie Vikings

Stick it to the Man! and Zombie Vikings developer Zoink! is already working on a new game simply called FE, and you can play it right now if you own Zombie Vikings. The above video shows how to access the…